

Hello. My name is Ojani Figueroa and in this section I'll talk a bit about myself so you can get to know me better (that's what I'd think you'd expect from an about page).

Explanation of this website

I created this website with the vision of using it to learn Next.js and React.js while building something cool that I could keep using, rather than making some side-project I wouldn't look back to. So I decided to do something special instead. I decided to create a blog!

How it will work

My plan is to create a website with Next.js in conjunction with a custom CMS (content management system) that I'll also make in order to create blog posts. I'll use markdown to write the blog posts with some markdown libraries to aid in the process. Next.js should take care of converting all the blog posts into static websites to be served over a CDN. The CDN may not come at the very start, but if everything goes as planned, it should come.